Friday 2 May 2008

Review: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

This film written by and starring Jason Seigel still shines above most of the comedies released recently, but in following the Apatow formula of the slobby average man wooing the hot girl - parts feel slightly tired and predictable.

Not to mention as each release from the 'Juddernaut' comes and goes the increased awareness to the undertones of misogyny and sexism that run under most of the frat pack offerings of the last few years is beginning to disturb - there's only so many times you can see the female characters portrayed as either easy, jumping into bed at the faintest sight of a witty one-liner or as evil and vindictive for daring not to put up with the slacker behaviour from the guys on show before you wonder if those involved have some questions to answer to.

For the UK audience, the main selling-point Russell Brand steals every scene he is in, though pretty much playing himself throughout as a bohemian star obsessed with the carnal pleasures of the skin - naysayers doubting his star power need only look at Will Ferrell who plays the same character every year and look at how his Hollywood career took off. This film provides a sound evening's entertainment, but in the long term the film's title will likely have a particular resonance to it.

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