Tuesday 27 May 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

When the sanest part of the plot is found in the first 15 minutes and that includes Indy surviving a nuclear bomb dropping on him by hiding in a fridge, far-fetched doesn't quite cover it really.

That said the film is far from the car crash that it could've been containing some nice set pieces, a few genuinely scary scenes and good performances from most of the cast.

LaBeouf is done no favours with the Brando comparisons conjured in the way he is introduced, but handles himself competently, yet I still don't quite see the star power that others do. Ford however has that certain 'it' factor that Shia lacks and cast asides any doubts to do with age carrying the lead character despite beginning given lines that feature far too much exposition at key times through the film. Ray Winstone is the one weak link as he plays a MI6/CIA/KGB agent who pretty much just shouts 'Jonesy' in a cock-er-nee accent throughout.

For someone so anti-digital like Spielberg claims to be, it does feature a lot of CGI - but to over analyse a film like this is to miss the point. Simply go in and switch your brain off and let the 2 hours of popcorn fare and nostalgia pass over you.

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