Friday 19 October 2012

Review: Looper

A fast-paced opening half set in the futuristic city is where Looper draws most of its comparisons with the science-fiction staples of Blade Runner, Terminator and Matrix films - and if it had managed to keep up the pace throughout, might have ended up being mentioned as one of the classics in the cannon of the genre down the line.

However as things slow down in the film's second half the pause in pace results in the film's premise starting to feel slightly creaky, leaving the viewer time to find a few holes in logic in the time travel story as well thinking despite a prosthetic nose, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis don't really look that much alike.

Spending most of the second part stuck on a farm with a creepy kid means Looper ends up being more reminiscent of a lot of 70s horror - and having most of the good stuff front-loaded means despite all the positives, the film ends up feeling a slight disappointment.

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