Wednesday 24 October 2012

Review: Fast & Furious Five

A sign of how far this fifth installment has moved away from the origins of the Fast & Furious franchise is when the time comes in story for an actual street race to take place, they skip over it and don't actual show it on screen.

Fast Five reinvents the series as an action heist film and the end result is the equivalent of Ocean's Eleven on steroids as Vin Diesel gets the band back together to take down a corrupt Brazilian businessman before The Rock's DDS agent can bring them in.

At any point if you stop and analyse what is actually going on in Fast Five, you realise its utter bobbins with enough gaps in logic to drive a muscle car through, but with your brain switched off the sheer ridiculousness of it all is highly enjoyable, with the 2 hour plus running time flying by much quicker than it has any right to - The Rock is star of the show playing a sort of Dog The Bounty Hunter with extra guns and is the nearest thing to a modern day Arnold Schwarzenegger, pumped up to the max with a one-liner after every punch/

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