Wednesday 7 December 2011

Review: The Crazies

Unlike the Fright Night remake, this recent take on the George A Romero original starts out quite promisingly but struggles to keep its momentum going for too long. The scenes of military takeover are done well, creating a believable atmosphere of chaos. It's a shame that by the time we get to the Hollywood ending The Crazies ends up being predictable and pretty unbelievable stuff that's been done better elsewhere.

Fans of two sheriffs trying to cope with a load of virus infected people trying to kill them are better of checking out The Walking Dead. Whilst fans of Timothy Olyphant in a cowboy hat are better of checking out Justified.


thedisabledcubicle said...


I liked your style of reviews. Would you be against me copy-pasting and linking back from my blog whenever I feel it's on the money?

Andrew~! said...

Sure that's fine. Glad you like the reviews!