Wednesday 7 December 2011

Review: Fright Night

This remake of the 1985 original starts of a little slow, but once David Tennant drops the whole poor man's Russell Brand shtick this really comes to (after)life and packs in plenty of thrills and jumps to make one of the year's most entertaining (if not particularly scary) horrors.

All the cast play their roles well, McLovin plays McLovin and its no surprise David Tennant steals scenes when taking on a load of monsters - so Colin Farrell breaking from the leading man norm to play a sinister, sleazy vampire deserves credit alongside Anton Yelchin doing that Eisenberg/Cera thing of showing Shia Lebeouf how to do his job properly.

The 3D works well in Fright Night and the tech suits a genre where things jumping out of the screen is part of the appeal. However someone really should have pointed out that Colin Farrell morphing into a vampire monster looks a little bit too much like John Travolta to take seriously.

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