Wednesday 11 November 2009

Review: Bedtime Stories

This family film, the type that was so successfully lampooned by Sandler himself in Funny People is actually the polar opposite of the moral it tries to portray - being really dull, unimaginative and just out to make a quick buck - there can be no other reason for the guinea pig with goggly eyes appearing other than cynical need to sell some toys to kids.

Don't be fooled by the trailer, which suggests a film full of fun flashbacks set in a range of fantasy set pieces - viewers will be left disappointed as these only make up a brief part of the film - centre stage is instead given to the dull story of who gets to run an even duller hotel.

Why anyone is supposed to like Sandler is beyond me, as our hero spends pretty much the entire movie manipulating a couple of kids for his own personal gain with his nemeses guilty of such crimes as stopping people stealing from mini bars and not wanting to give their kids sugar - send them to the stocks!

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