Tuesday 21 July 2009

Review: Brüno

Brüno, the follow up to worldwide über-smash Borat seems to be the natural end for Sasha Baron Cohen's unique brand of guerilla docu-comedy for both logistical and logical reasons.

Once again as Brüno, Baron Cohen takes on the tried and tested formula of idiot savant designed to slyly expose people's prejudices. But as the gay fashionista he takes it (and he really does literally take it in some scenes) to the nth degree that you struggle to think just what he'd have to do to push the boundaries of taste and decency next time around.

The sense of an end of an era is heightened by the lack of believability to several of the scenes in Brüno. With the anonymity afforded to him in his previous work the key to his success it feels like this time around too many people have had to be let in on the joke to make it work. This is highlighted by the films ending featuring knowing cameos from Bono, Sting, Elton John and Chris Martin spoiling leaving you wondering just how much of what you've just seen was actually faked, spoiling the fun somewhat.

All of that is not to say that Brüno is a bad film, it is a very funny rude, lewd and crude hour and a half of fun. But the signs are there that Baron Cohen quit while he's ahead before the joke starts to fall flat.

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