Tuesday 21 July 2009

Review: Adventureland

With a director most famous for his work on Superbad and a lead character who's immediately introduced as a virgin - you'd been forgiven for expecting another of your typical gross out comedies riding the back of the frat pack success. But for the most part Adventureland eschews all the the usual clichés to make something far more interesting for the viewer.

The end result is actually more coming of age drama than teen comedy, with an excellent 'will they won't they' chemistry between Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg (who is so good Michael Cera will be sweating) that carries the film. That's not to say that Adventureland doesn't bring the funny either, thanks excellent comic support from several of the minor characters, in particular Mottola's Superbad Alumni Bill Hader as the moustachioed theme park boss.

If anything, where many modern comedies ignore any semblance of a plot - a little smidgen more of the laughs added here and there would've resulted in a film that rivalled the likes of Juno and Little Miss Sunshine in the American Indie comedy stakes.

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