Monday 2 June 2008

WWE One Night Stand 2008

The fourth annual One Night Stand PPV took place last night and was on the whole an enjoyable event with only the injury to Orton spoiling what will be one of the most consistent PPV cards of the year.

Kicking off was Hardy vs Umaga in a Falls Count Anywhere match and this one of the best WWE openers in recent years featuring plenty of cool spots from Hardy building to the big swanton bump as expected.

The Singapore Cane match featuring 5 former ECW champs put over Big Show strong and had a couple of unique sequences and counters, making it possibly the best ECW effort since its return - John Morrison continues to impress and deserves more outings on the big stage. Slightly off topic but Dreamers looks like he stole Disco Infernos' wardrobe with his white pants.

Cena vs JBL was better than previous outings and ended up a good WWE style brawl, though I'd quite like it if Foley and Bradshaw could swap places as both are struggling to adjust to their new roles - Foley's vignette for the stretcher match was excellent and added a nice MMA style authenticity to proceedings, showing his potential, yet he completely messed up the intro to it.

Up next was the Women's title match and the mat work delivered but the dynamic between Phoenix and Melina didn't click and Melina doesn't suit the face role and the crowd didn't buy into getting behind her.

Once again the storyline between Batista and Shawn Michaels was spoilt slightly by the introduction of Chris Jericho. Many others feuds would have benefited by the introduction of the Canadian, but the brillantly simple beef between the two has been diluted in making it a three-way issue.

The WWE Title match showed promise and Orton/HHH always delivers in ring, but Orton's injury cut short the match before it really got going. In storyline terms the the pair work better as heels and Trips as champion feels old and jaded already - which isn't a good sign.

In the main event were Edge & Undertaker once again - and once again they delivered. The suprise ending hopefully means a return to the American Bad Ass biker character which would suit his more realistic MMA based offense he has been using in recent months instead months of dodgy Undertaker spottings and Leslie Neilsen segments that we've seen before.

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