Sunday 7 July 2013

Review: World War Z

Plagued with production problems, even going as far as having a completely new final act filmed - World War Z is better than you'd think but still ends up as less than the sum of its parts.

The main problem is that the new ending, written by Lost's Damon Lindelof feels like a completely different film to what has gone before, as somehow Brad Pitt ends up in an office in Cardiff with Peter Capaldi after an hour of massive disaster movie set pieces. As well as the massive stylistic change, matters aren't helped by it looking much, much cheaper too, like Charlie Brooker has somehow managed to cast Pitt in Black Mirror or Dead Set.

The first hour is far from a flop, though after a stunning set-piece in Philadelphia to kick things off the reasons for Brad Pitt's Gerry to fly all-over the world trying to halt the zombie apocalypse do become a little contrived and just excuse for some more impressive CGI stunts in front of another landmark - but as the stunts are well done, evoking memories recent stuff like Contagion and Cloverfield for a similar sense of chaos, you can't complain too much.

Matthew Fox turns up for a couple of seconds, and you wonder if he had a bigger role in the original ending, which re-iterates the film's main problem - you never feel like you've watched a whole film, just the start of one and the finish of another.

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