Tuesday 25 December 2012

Review: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

In this directorial debut from Lorene Scafaria, writer of the underrated Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Keira Knightley steps into the Manic Pixie Dream Girl role for a tale of an odd couple's road trip across the country in the face of impending apocalypse.

Steve Carell is once again back on regular turf as the sad sack middle-aged man, whose life had seemingly already fallen apart 3 weeks before Armageddon, who decides to help Knightly's Penny track down a plane to see her parents whilst finally mustering up the courage to take a chance for the first time in his life and track down his childhood sweetheart.

At times the film does seem like a collection a scenes with a few cameos thrown in for good measure (namely William Petersen, Martin Sheen and one of the blokes from Cloverfield) but the likeable chemistry between the leads holds the film together and makes the romantic storyline much sweeter than it has any right to be on paper, with plenty of gentle laughs thrown in along the way.

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