Sunday 12 August 2012

Review: Ted

On the surface the premise of Ted, the story of a sweary, stoner teddy bear and his manchild friend sounds like it will struggle to fill a film - but thanks to Seth MacFarlane's proven track record in creating crude comedy characters and Mark Wahlberg once again excelling at playing the idiot, Ted finishes up as one of the funniset comedies of the year.

As you'd expect from the man behind Family Guy and American Dad, the jokes are mostly rude and random - there's just about enough of a plot this time around to ward off any accusation of Ted being written by manatees, but the film is arguably at its weakest in its final third when the jokes slow down and the plot takes precedence - as beneath the jokes its not much more than a pretty basic rom com with a chase stuck in it.

The ability to create chemistry between Wahlberg and a CGI bear is at the core of Ted's success, but there's also strong support from Mila Kunis as John's long-suffering girlfriend alongside Joe McHale making the movie from Community to movies as her sleazy boss Rex - also much like 21 Jump Street, the other comedy hit of the year, the film features an outrageous 80s cameo that comes close to stealing the show.

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