Thursday 12 July 2012

Review: Prometheus

It's tempting to put Prometheus in with the rest of Ridley Scott's recent work where the impressive visuals have often outshone some pretty weak scripts - and whilst that's true to a certain extent with this Alien prequel, there's enough ideas and excitement to be found beneath its pretty exterior to make this more than worthy of your time.

The cast is reliably excellent, Fassbender gives the standout performance as an O'Toole obsessed android that will change the way you look at Wall-E from now on, but Noomi Rapace as proto-Ripley Elizabeth Shaw and Charlize Theron as ambiguous villain Vickers are also worthy of praise.

On the downside, minor quibbles would be a few too many crew members are there seemingly just to die (I don't think that's a spoiler for an Alien film?) and the big orchestral score doesn't really fit into the mood of the franchise for me - but the biggest problems come in the film's final third, featuring an unsatisfying end that only really tees-up more prequels to bridge the gap with the 1979 original and an over-reliance on big CGI effects to create tension and terror - the original being the case in point for how less is more.

Those flaws aside, Prometheus is still a welcome addition to the post-Inception line of intelligent blockbusters that don't seek to insult the audiences intelligence.

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