Sunday 6 November 2011

TV Club #7 Kurt & Courtney

Friday night's on BBC 4 have been must-see TV for a while now, as you're normally guaranteed a great performance or documentary from the BBC Archives. This Friday was no exception as they devoted the schedules to all things Nirvana, featuring a storming live show from the Paramount, a doc detailing the last 48 hours of Kurt Cobain's life and my personal highlight, Left of the Dial which while focusing on the contrasting fortunes of REM and Nirvana, also provided a pretty comprehensive look at US Alternative Rock, giving plenty of screen time to likes of Black Flag, The Pixies and Husker Du.

But for this week's TV Club we focus on the most infamous document of Grunge, Nick Broomfield's Kurt & Courtney, where the British film-maker investigates claims that Kurt Cobain was actually murdered and if his wife Courtney Love was in on it. The film is interesting as opposed to informative and ends up being more about his hate-hate relationship with Love and her attempts to stop the film being made - but those looking for fresh insight into the death of Kurt will be left left disappointed as its light on evidence and heavy on heresy from a series of shady and strung out people who claimed to be close to the pair.

The grunge theme continues next week with the TV premiere of Cameron Crowe's Pearl Jam doc, Twenty Friday 11th at 9pm on BBC 4, this time around featuring a story that looks like having a much happier ending.

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