Wednesday 5 October 2011

Review: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Tomas Alfredson came to our attention with Let the Right One In, a vampire film that wasn't really about vampires. Here at the helm of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - the latest adaptation of the John le Carre novel, he does something similar, making a spy thriller that isn't actually that thrilling.

That's not to say the film isn't good, just that its the polar opposite to Bond and Bourne's kinetic energy we've become used to - the film progresses at an funeralistic pace throughout giving the excellent ensemble cast plenty of time to show the internal torture a life of subterfuge can bring as opposed to Daniel Craig getting his nuts cracked in Casino Royale.

In amongst several great performances, the highlight is arguably Tom Hardy following on from his turn in Inception as the best Bond there never was (yet) as the slightly rogueish Rikki Tarr, looking resplendent with some of the best/worst wig work of recent times.

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