Saturday 25 September 2010

Review: Machete

Dropping the fake scratches and bad cuts of Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez comes closer to making the cult movie he pays tribute too, but Machete still suffers from trying to hard to be something its not.

Plenty of blood and boobs ensure Machete is always entertaining, but the cheesy dialogue and crap acting is just to knowing to make it memorable - you'll be ghard pressed to find anyone remembering this in a year, let alone 30.

Rodriguez seems to have missed the point of Grindhouse and even his earlier films that ended up being cult hits - they weren't trying to be cults at all, they all wanted to be mainstream films and tried to make the best of their limitations - both money and talent wise. Making his films worse than should be, ironically or not, is a waste of a talent as huge as Rodriguez's and hopefully its a phase he'll snap out of soon.

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