Saturday 8 August 2009

Review: Anvil! The Story Of Anvil

A documentary about an 80s metal band that features bickering members, playing to ever decreasing crowds, Stonehenge and Robb Reiner is obviously going to play on the This Is Spinal Tap links - but those expecting constant laughs at the expense of the behaviour of a group of crazy musicians will be best of sticking with the like of Dig!, as Anvil! is a different beast altogether.

Instead this documentary is a tale of hope as the fleetingly famous metal band try to regain a modicum of the success they so briefly tasted before. Their are frequently funny parts, especially on the doomed European tour, but it quickly turns into something far more touching about the importance of happiness and chasinh your dreams.

At the centre of this are the two band mainstays - singer Lipps and the aforementioned drummer Reiner, who despite their contrasting personalities are deep down the best of friends and come across thoroughly likeable people who you can't help cheering for when, like Spinal Tap, their salvation comes in Japan.

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