Even with my incredibly low expectations, I couldn't help but be bitterly disappointed by the Prison Break finale shown on Sky 1 last night. Instead of a fitting send off to a once great show, the finale simply magnified everything that was wrong about the final season - I need to vent about the two hour clusterfuck I have just watched featuring
Lincoln having an hour to live at the start of the episode
And still being alive about 5 hours later before finally getting some medical attention
Then having no signs of injury when signing his immunity, whilst Schofield still hobbles around after his grazing wound
Spurning the murderous attempts of the super villains for the millionth time, turning the tables on them - them just leaving in their super villain HQs to have organise assassination attempt #1,000,001
Heavily-guarded Evil Super-Villain HQs can be entered by just climbing up the front wall. In broad daylight
A bomb explodes gutting an entire floor but evil Christine survives by kneeling down a bit next to it
Then returns a few minutes later with a tiny speck of dirt on the elbow
Brain dead being able to write.
Sucre comes back for no reason
Then C-Note comes back for even less of a reason
Did they even bother giving a reason for Kellerman coming back?
And don't get me started on the plot for the movie - Finale my ass.
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