Wednesday 22 April 2009

Review: Monsters vs Aliens 3D

Created specifically to be seen in 3D - Monsters vs Aliens delivers on the visual front, the 3D technology used here is stunning and light years of the lame cardboard glasses technology of old.

The film itself, whilst not on the level of previous Dreamworks efforts Kung Fu Panda and Madagascar 2 - is an entertaining 90 minutes and features a comedic tour-de-force from Stephen Colbert as the President, stealing all the scenes that he turns up in.

So is 3D the future of film? Not quiet - the question of why pay extra for films that doesn't use the capabilities to the fullest hasn't been fully answered yet, as RealD seems to work best in animation at the moment

My feeling is that the latest 3D comeback is destined to remain a novelty for certain films, similar to IMAX saved for special occasions. Not until the questions of the extra cost, alongside the age old problems of double glasses and migraines are solved will 3D become a real contender to revolutionise cinema

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