Thursday 15 January 2009

Potential Acts for V Festival 2009?

In between the usual spam from seetickets I get at least twice a week, there was an email link for a chance to win camping tickets to V2009.

Sensing a chance to avoid forking out what will be closer to £200 this year - I clicked on the link which threw up some interesting ideas as to what to expect from V this year (bonus points for noting the potential for a 3-day V mentioned right at the bottom).

In surveying what the customers want from V this year, including the likes of Take That, Robbie and Kylie in the potential headliners, it seems the organisers are considering at least one poppy act in the double bill of act they usual have heading up the main stage. I just hope my requests for Dinosaur Pile-Up, Gaslight Anthem and Frank Turner don't fall on deaf ears and we get some rock.

I could cope with Katy Perry though ;)

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