Tuesday 1 July 2008

Review: The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian

Things never happen the same way twice. Well, apart from when he says that bit twice.

That was one of the many things that bugged me about this movie. But it is nice to know I can take a 3 minute break for a chat should I ever find myself in a fight to the death

Like many a sequel the main offender was its length - far too long at 2 and 1/2 hours. This is made even more criminal as its a family film and seems to forget to its target audience that made the first such as success despite lukewarm reviews. The plot takes too long to get going and features one too many battle scenes, cutting some of this flab would've made it much better film and wouldn't leave many of its younger viewers fidgeting. Another problem facing the film is that despite being a couple of years further into their careers the main characters acting is still pretty poor and borderline punchable if I'm honest..

Plus points are Eddie Izzard's mouse alongside Warwick Davis and Peter Tinkledge as the dwarves who are fantastic as usual. Also despite falling into the trap of bigger is better like most sequels you cannot dispute that the extra money spent on shooting the film mean it does look fantastic, shame it never quite clicks properly.

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