Saturday 27 February 2010

Review: Capitalism - A Love Story

Maybe it was because it painted the NHS as idyllic paradise of health care (just one look at the coverage of Stafford Hospital this week will prove otherwise), but Sicko and the self-congratulatory Slacker Uprising (or should that be Sicko-phantic?) seemed to find Michael Moore going off the boil - Capitalism: A Love Story reverses that trend making a strong argument for how the capitalism system has badly let down the American public.

Using the usual Moore techniques the film discovers some shocking stories, especially how companies attempt to profit of their workforces deaths and how corrupt judges gained from incarcerating kids for minor offences - but the big stunts the Moore has become famous for don't really hit the spot here and in the end just boil down to him harassing security guards while the CEOs and bankers he paints as criminals probably didn't even know he was there.

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