Friday, 26 June 2009


Psychoville, the new comedy from two of the League of Gentlemen, is the best thing on television right now. If like me you can't enough of it, then you're in luck - there's also an amazing viral marketing campaign bringing it all online.

Starting at the main Psychoville Website, a visit to the Inbox starts up a game that opens up more of the online world as the show progresses.

So far I've managed to find the following websites and YouTube pages,

Character Websites
Biggins Panto
Robert Greenspan
Midget Gems
Lomax Commodities

YouTube Channels
David Sowerbutts' YouTube Channel
Mr Jelly's YouTube Channel
Oscar Lomax's YouTube Channel

as well as a few hints as to what is coming soon

Which leaves Joy and Maureen as the two main characters whose online presence I've yet to find - and I also hold out hope I can find something about the Crabtree sisters out there somewhere.

*Latest Sites*
Jolly Parties - No.1 Children's Entertainer
Joy Astons's Advice to Young Mums Website
Murder and Chips - the UK's premiere Murder Mystery Troupe
Inside Ravenhill

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