Wednesday 23 April 2014

Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Too long? Too many characters? A bit with the American flag? Sound familiar? On the plus side unlike Spider-Man 3 at least there isn't a bit where Peter Parker goes all Saturday Night Fever.

After the enjoyable first outing of this rebooted series, it's such a shame that sequel doesn't live up too expectations. Whilst Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone together on screen are once again the best part of the film, trying to cram in three separate villains for Spidey to battle results in the film lurching from one CGI battle to another just for the sake of it (Especially the bits with Paul Giamatti in it that seem especially pointless). Add on top of that the added backstory of Peter Parker's parents and you can see what a bloated mess the film is.

Friday 18 April 2014

Review: Captain America 2 - The Winter Soldier

Seeing as he gets a name check in the title, you'd expect the Winter Soldier to have a bigger part in the second Captain America film - but in fact he ends someone playing second fiddle to the main villain and looks like he's spent too long listening to 30 Seconds To Mars and My Chemical Romance to be any real threat.

That's not the only problem with this sequel either, with the biggest problem facing this this film (and the Marvel Universe as a whole) is that since Agent Coulson's reappearance in Agents of Shield, it's tough to believe for a second that anyone is in any real danger at any point in the plot. That said the Marvel films have their formula down to a tee, with impressive action sequences interspersed with snappy one-liners to lighten the mood, meaning the Captain America 2 is always entertaining, but future films need to up their game to hit the heights of previous successes.