Thursday 20 May 2010

Review: Four Lions

The film that finally shows the link between Toploader and Terrorism that we've long expected, Four Lions features the trademark wordplay that you've come to expect from Chris Morris but alongside several surprisingly moving moments in place the vicious streak made famous in Brasseye.

This will leave those expecting more of the infamous Paedophilia episode disappointed, yet they both argue against the culture of fear in our society - where Brasseye rallied against the Media's dramatisation of news, Four Lions suggests we need not live our life in total fear of Terrorism due to the Stag-like mentality of many a plot - and that tackling this myth through comedy may just be the most effective way of tackling this problem.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Review: The Infidel

Too low-key to be anywhere near as the title suggests, The Infidel is pretty much a gentle joshing of Jewish customs that would work better on TV than in the cinema. Richard Schiff is reliably good at being grumpy and Omid Djalili does the same kind of shtick he does in the Money Supermarket adverts.

Friday 14 May 2010

Review: Hot Tub Time Machine

There's not else to this film apart from the riffs and references to the movies of the 80s, so if you struggle telling your Buellers from your Breakfast Clubs - there's not much to recommend from this.

Review: Robin Hood

A lot has been made of Crowe's accent, my take on it is its just standard Northern really that is hardly funny like some have made out - its just really obvious that he's putting it on.

You could say the same about the film - there's just something about this that doesn't quite click, view any of the aspects in isolation and you'd say that was good yet towards the end of a two and half hours it gets quite boring as it becomes clear its all set up for a story you'll probably never see.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Review; Iron Man 2

The script is all over the place, and every 5 minutes a new character seems to turn up - but like the first movie you don't care about the failings when Iron Man 2 is such fun and at the least the raft of new characters gives Robert Downey Jr amble opportunity for the trademark banter and bickering alongside the big action sequences.