Wednesday 21 April 2010

Review: Date Night

There was a point about through this where I had to check I was actually watching the right film and not 2008's Get Smart, so similar is Steve Carrell doing the whole bumbling around whilst exposing criminal activities thing. Tina fey takes Bill Murray's place this time around as the comic genius to be sadly wasted.

Monday 5 April 2010

Review: How To Train Your Dragon

A sweet film that can't fail to go straight for the heart strings with its portrayal of the relationship between one man (here a Viking) and his dog (here a Dragon). The film looks likely to take the coveted '2nd Best Animated Film' place this year behind whatever Pixar release - but like Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs last year, this has come from nowhere and looks set to do great business on word of mouth recommendations.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Review: The Bounty Hunter

I think somehow this was actually worse than I was expecting. Aniston and Butler play unfunny and downright unlikable characters that we are meant to care about finally getting together at the end.

Review: Cemetery Junction

Catching every one unawares by switching from Gervais' recent run of Woody Allen wannabes, Cemetery Junction is more drama than comedy - the tale of three friends who dream of escaping Reading but are seemingly trapped.

That's not to say there's no shortage of comedic moments, and Gervais is great in his small cameo role. Plus though slightly familiar, the girl caught between two men is handled with the aplomb you'd expect from the guys behind The Office.